My workspace is constantly changing. Since I don't like to stick to fixed ideas, I like my workspace to be in different places, it feeds me. I am a person who likes crowds and details, I think I reflect this in my life and my drawings. I am not very fond of calm music, the types of music I listen to change frequently, but "det du tänker idag är du imorgon" from the Dungen group is another one for me.
The lines and colors everyone looks at create completely different emotions. My eye is always looking for the emotional ones. I love to reflect this in my drawings. Being able to convey the feeling it evokes in me to someone else makes me feel closer to what I draw, it gives it a different meaning.

Unlike children's book illustrator, there is another field where I feel free: Short animated films. Sitting for hours with a team of a few people and talking about generating ideas and what we can do to realize them, creating the world for the film, feeling as if I live in the world I create and describe through drawing, thinking about colors are the things that increase my productivity the most. I love being part of a team!
It would be very difficult for me to think and realize new things without nature. I find green and being in it, the complex order in nature very peaceful. I am also very nourished underwater, which is another place where I feel free. Apart from the beauty in nature, the original and complex music I listen to and am influenced by always makes it easier for me to be creative and inspires me. I think I really love complexity and green.
I can say that feeding on nature and complexity has taught me to work with different textures. As much as I love different textures, I produce rich content by experimenting with different styles. In order not to lose the feeling of my traditional works, I also include textures in my digital works. It gives me pleasure to combine reality and artificiality, to add richness with details, to capture a harmony with complexity by using different colors. Long live complexity!