Deniz Diren Üstün was a child in the 90s. Like most of her peers, she was warned strictly not to paint the walls, so she drew on every piece of paper she could find. Although she grew away from this habit over the years, she did not stop drawing. She graduated from ITU Meteorological Engineering. One day, while doodling the margins of Holton's Atmospheric Dynamics, she decided to buy a watercolor palette and her adventure in illustration began. She loves digital drawing and experimenting with different materials and techniques. She mostly uses Procreate, but watercolor, colored pencils, and crayons are her other favorites. After 10 years of working as a research assistant at ITU, she decided to jump to the adventure of her life and started to the MA Children’s Book Illustration program at Cambridge School of Art. She is trying to develop a personal visual vocabulary, fill many sketchbooks and pass the lessons these days.